Monologue to a Friend who has Departed

by shiryaakov on July 11th, 2017

The following talk to a departed soul may have its value just in helping someone to advance his/her suppositions about the afterlife, and healing fears about the unknown. Perhaps the soul of the departed friend may be listening and benefit from hearing this monologue as well. I think that this is the kind of thing I’d like to hear if I were a departed, somehow conscious soul. Perhaps the words that you’d like to hear from your friends after you depart differs from these. If so. I’d be interested to hear about what kind of talk that you might like to hear from your friends.

My friend, dear ___ (name) listen now, for that which is called death has arrived, has come and gone. You have experienced the process of dissolving out of your body. The feeling of solidity has fallen away, melted and become a flowingness. The edges of who you were have become less defined. The sensations of your body are no longer so distinct, leaving just a spaciousness Do not be afraid. Yud Hay Vov Hay will protect you from all disturbing thoughts and guard your soul. Yud Hay Vav Hay will guard your exit and re-entry, from this world to the next.

This transition you are going through need not be difficult or distressing. It is a natural part of existence which everyone ever born has to someday negotiate. This is your time to do so. Keep letting go gently, gently, of all that holds you back, of all that pulls you away from the precious moment. You have already traversed what is called death. It is over. Open to it. Let go into it.

You may be experiencing the changing nature of the mind as it separates more and more from the body. Part of your task now is to dissolve into the stream of pure light.

Let go gently, gently, without the least force. My dear friend, the dear light of your original nature is more revealed now that you have undergone this great release from your heavier form. Before you shines your true being. Approach it with reverence and compassion.

You have seen it before. When you were newborn the immortal light shone thus in you. Recognize this. It is the evershining. Go gently into it and bathe in the energy that you once were. Do not be frightened or bewildered. Do not pull back in fear from the immensity of your true being. This is the time of your liberation. Zeykher liy’tziat Mitzrayim.
My friend, maintain your openheartedness, the spaciousness of your being that does not grasp. Let things be as they are without the least attempt to interfere. Pushing away nothing. Grasping at nothing.

You have guides, allies, the ones who have always loved your soul standing by to guide you. The angel Micha-el is on your right hand side, on your left is Gavri-el, in front of you is Uri-el, and behind you is Rafa-el. Above your head is Shekhinat El, the Divine Presence.

The light that shines from the open heart of God, the Sephirah of Tifferet, beauty, shines for you with fullness now. The pure light of Khokhmah, wisdom is finally available to you. The compassionate power of Binah, motherly understanding, flows to you in great fullness.

My friend, do not cling to peaceful or painful states of mind that you have experienced so many times in the past. Allow yourself lovingly to let go of whatever resistance may have held you back.

What you previously adored as high, purest light is now before you as your ordinary environment. Accept it. Appreciate it. Adonay Hu Ha-Elohim! Let the ground of your being flow smoothly from one world into the next. Barukh Shem K’vod Malkhuto L’o lam Va-ed (three times). Hail the traveller. Sh ‘ma Yisrael Adonay Eloheynu, Adonay Ekhad. In each moment, within each object, within each image, the One exists. You are not isolated or out of contact. On the contrary, your being is more in contact with us all, on all of the levels you have always aspired to.
Remember to bless and help us, those you have loved. If you can weigh the scales on our behalf, do not hesitate. Let us know what your needs are, if we can somehow help you and let us know if you are well and all right. I open my dreams to you. Speak to me.

If feelings of anger or fear arise as in the past, mistakenly attempting to protect you, recognize these obstructions to your essential freedom. Let go of any frustration and fear. Let go of remorse and self-judgement. These are passing moods which float like clouds through the vast sky of your awareness. Do not be wearied as you travel through these shining realms, perhaps so different from what you have imagined. You are becoming like the essence of awareness itself.

My friend, you see now that even death does not exist. That who you are, awareness itself, does not depend upon a body for its existence. Float free in the vast spaciousness. Your devotion to the truth will carry you through. Move with openheartedness toward the light. Become the pure edgeless spaciousness within which the flow continues.

My friend, many days will continue to pass after you have left your body. Know the truth as it is and move on, taking refuge in the vastness of your original nature. Know that you are well guided by your compassion and love. You are with the essence of all things. You are finally with the light. Adonay Hu Ha-Elohim! Ameyn.

“Awake O North wind, come thou South, blow into your garden that your spices may flow out.”

Written by Rabbi David Wolfe-Blank, inspired by a meditation by Stephen Levine, the writings of Simcha Raphael, and the Jewish deathbed Vidui. R’ David died from injuries in an automobile accident on August 29, 1998 at the age of 48.

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